
Original question: 


I have 3 laptops and a 1 Gbit network connection to my ISP. But when I connect 
my ISPs cable to the laptops ethtool link/speedtest precisely says:

    Lenovo G500 with USB 3.0 Ethernet and OpenBSD 6.2 - 100mbit
    Lenovo T400 with motherboard Ethernet Ubuntu 14.04 - 100mbit
    Lenovo T560 with motherboard Ethernet Windows 10 - 1 Gbit

All the HWs support 1 Gbit connection.

The big question: Why cannot the Lenovo G500 and Lenovo T400 auto-negotiate to 
1 Gbit? It is a 1 Gbit connection to my ISP, but I can only auto-negotiate with 
1 Gbit with the Windows 10/T560 laptop.

Maybe I need cross-cable? The ISP I think has a switch at the other end.

This is the cable that I have from my ISP: https://i.stack.imgur.com/1rH37.jpg


the USB 3.0 Gbit ethernet to USB is cdce.

Anybody seen similar? What could cause the 100mbit connection instead of the 

Thanks for any hint..

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