On 08/06/18 09:51, justina colmena wrote:
> " ... it is our intent that anyone be able to use these images to represent 
> OpenBSD in a positive light -- but do not make profit from them.... "
> The no-profit clause is new. Sounds like I'd better dump OpenBSD entirely if 
> I want to make a profit at any sort of business or keep any of my private 
> information private or retain any of MY intellectual property for my own use. 
> There's a giant hole in my pocket that needs to be sewn up. Not sure where to 
> go. The lawyers are coming out like alligators from the Florida swamps. This 
> is as bad as SCO and groklaw.
> OpenBSD is for non-profit use only. Thank you for bringing that to my 
> attention.

I am not a lawyer, but I read that as: don't use the logo or OpenBSD
name in a manner that implies the OpenBSD project endorses your product
or implies that your product is a product of the OpenBSD project.

Nowhere does it say "don't use OpenBSD".

That's my understanding though, I cannot, and will not, speak for the
OpenBSD development team.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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