> From: justina colmena
> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 9:08 PM
> Are they being started in the wrong order at boot time?

The LDAP server in use is not running on the local openBSD system. It might not 
be available due to an underlying network issue or some other problem that 
temporarily prevents successful connections/queries.

> What you ask is a very general question: If A depends on B, and B is
> missing, how do expect A to behave?

In this specific case, I expect A to complain it was unable to contact B, to 
continue initializing, return temporary failures for any operation which 
requires B, and reattempt a connection to B on a regular basis until it is 
successful. From a reliability and full tolerance perspective, falling over and 
dying doesn't seem a very good choice for the circumstances.

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