i386 and amd64 are different platforms, so of course you get different packages.
Within the same platform, all binaries that are built should run on all possible members of that platform. So, code will be compiled WITHOUT AVX support, unless it can be detected at runtime (e.g. mplayer/ffmpeg). I believe that firefox does not to runtime detection, so firefox should not directly call AVX. On 2018 May 21 (Mon) at 18:37:43 -0300 (-0300), Elias M. Mariani wrote: :Hi, :I understand that about the builds and packages. :I will re write my question in another form: :If I build, say, firefox on a i386 machine I get a package, and :another if I build firefox on amd64, they differ. :If I build firefox on an amd64 machine WITHOUT AVX support I get a :package, if now I build firefox in an amd64 machine WITH AVX support, :do I still get the same package ? :(firefox is a random pick) : :Cheers. :Elias. : :2018-05-21 18:24 GMT-03:00 IL Ka <kazakevichi...@gmail.com>: :> Hello. :> :> OpenBSD team does not recommend to build anything that exists in packages. :> :>>>If so, building from ports would produce a different code? :> In most cases ports are not aware of your microarchitecture. :> See my question and Theo's answer. :> :> https://www.mail-archive.com/misc@openbsd.org/msg160878.html :> :> :> : -- The Computer made me do it.