I would try OpenOSPFD for this situation, instead of OpenBGPD.


On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 4:16 PM,  <giant@cock.email> wrote:
> On 2018-05-21 01:22, Solene Rapenne wrote:
>> hello
>> I'm not sure to understand your need. You don't need BGP for
>> this. Adding a route on router A, accessing network B through router B
>> is all you need. Computers on the dhcp client of A will use router A as
>> a default gateway and then will be able to reach network B computers.
>> And then, do the same on the other router.
>> Or maybe I totally missed your need.
> I probably didn't explain it very well. Here is my best attempt of drawing
> the situation in ASCII:
>   OooooooooooooooooO
>  o     INTERNET     o
>   OooooooooooooooooO
>    |              |
>    | ?.?.?.?      | ?.?.?.?
>  +---+          +---+
>  | A |          | B |
>  +---+          +---+
>    |     |
>    |              |
>    +--------------+
> What I need is some way for A and B to inform each other of their Internet
> facing IP addresses. They would then route those IPs via the internal path.
> Since the Internet-facing addresses are dynamic, the routers should inform
> each other when these change.
> Network A and B should be completely autonomous. But they should be aware of
> their local line instead of using the Internet.
> The situation I have now, using BGP, does almost exactly what I want. The
> only problem is that the routers inform each other of their whole Internet
> subnet, instead of just their own host entries.

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