Looks like the time of keyboard lost is proportional to number of key stokes managed by xmonad. E.g quick switch between windows or workspaces there and back is able to duplicate the issue quite quickly (matter of 1-2 minutes).
Knowing this I've hacked my config file to absolutely minimal: import XMonad import System.IO import XMonad.Util.Run (spawnPipe) import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks main = do -- xmproc <- spawnPipe "/usr/local/bin/xmobar /home/karel/.xmobarrc" xmonad $ defaultConfig { -- manageHook = manageDocks <+> manageHook defaultConfig -- , layoutHook = avoidStruts $ layoutHook defaultConfig -- , handleEventHook = handleEventHook defaultConfig <+> docksEventHook -- , logHook = dynamicLogWithPP xmobarPP -- { ppOutput = hPutStrLn xmproc -- , ppTitle = xmobarColor "green" "" . shorten 50 -- , ppHiddenNoWindows = xmobarColor "grey" "" -- } {- , -} borderWidth = 5 , normalBorderColor = "#cccccc" , focusedBorderColor = "#008b00" } and it looks like the issue seems to be gone. Karel On Tue, 8 May 2018 13:10:40 +0200 Karel Gardas <gard...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Hi, > > I'm looking for other xmonad users experience on OpenBSD. What I see > here is that xmonad somehow loses keyboard "connection" after some > time. I can't no longer switch between windows, workspaces, screens. I > can't no longer invoke new xterm, invoke dmenu etc. Basically it looks > like crashed, but I can still see the process running (e.g. both xmonad > and my option compiled xmonad-x86_64-openbsd are shown in ps output). > "After some time" usually means around half an hour or so. I've tested > xmonad on OpenBSD 6.3 and -current as of May 7. By xmonad I mean all > xmonad related packages provided by OpenBSD. I've also tested xmonad > head obtained from xmonad and xmonad-contrip github.com repos installed > by cabal. The experience is still the same. With xmonad I'm also using > xmobar so I provide both xmobar and xmonad config files below. When I > compiled xmonad or recompiled configuration I've used OpenBSD's > provided ghc package. > > My question is: do you also see this behaviour? If so, what is your > workaround for this -- if any? If not, what's your platform/X11 details? > > I'm running this on ThinkPad T500, builtin Intel graphics and OpenBSD's > provided X11 (I've not compiled myself nor apply any patches to that). > I also do have HP 27" monitor connected to laptop using display port > connection/cable. But please note the behavior of xmonad is same also > w/o connected external monitor. > > Thanks! > Karel > > My xmonad configure file: > > import XMonad > import System.IO > import XMonad.Util.Run (spawnPipe) > import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog > import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks > > main = do > xmproc <- spawnPipe "/usr/local/bin/xmobar /home/karel/.xmobarrc" > xmonad $ defaultConfig { > manageHook = manageDocks <+> manageHook defaultConfig > , layoutHook = avoidStruts $ layoutHook defaultConfig > , handleEventHook = handleEventHook defaultConfig <+> docksEventHook > , logHook = dynamicLogWithPP xmobarPP > { ppOutput = hPutStrLn xmproc > , ppTitle = xmobarColor "green" "" . shorten 50 > , ppHiddenNoWindows = xmobarColor "grey" "" > } > , borderWidth = 5 > , normalBorderColor = "#cccccc" > , focusedBorderColor = "#008b00" > } > > My xmobar configure file: > > Config { font = "-*-Fixed-Bold-R-Normal-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" > , borderColor = "black" > , border = TopB > , bgColor = "black" > , fgColor = "grey" > , position = TopW L 100 > , sepChar = "%" > , alignSep = "}{" > , lowerOnStart = False > -- , commands = [ Run Date "%a %b %_d %Y <fc=#ee9a00> %H:%M:%S</fc>" > "Mydate" 10 > , template = "}{ <fc=#008b00>%date%</fc>" > } > > > -- Karel Gardas <gard...@gmail.com>