(Etienne), 2018.05.04 (Fri) 14:03 (CEST):
> Hello list,
> What I'm going to describe will most probably sound very silly, but I
> believe I have a reasonable use case. I'm trying to setup a machine with
> full disk encryption using a partition of the same disk as a keydisk. (take
> all the time you want to laugh, then carry on reading).
> So I'm creating two RAID partitions "a" and "p", then run:
> bioctl -c C -l sd0a -k sd0p softraid0
> and this succeed. I'm then proceeding to a normal installation on sd1, then
> reboot, and I'm greeted with the message `ERR M`.
> I have tried this with the p partition at the beginning or at the end of the
> disk, tried to change sizes,... no effect. I'm wondering if what I'm trying
> is actually supported? Any idea?
> For those who wonder, my use case is installing 100+ virtual machines in the
> cloud with full disk encryption, rebooting them, and using rc.firsttime to
> overwrite the key so if the machine is powered down, it can't be booted
> anymore. I'm also aware that this is still vulnerable to an attack from
> someone who's in control of the host machine.

I'm currently reading
"crypto softraid and keydisk on same harddrive", 2014-10-26. 

jsing@ had this patch, which was tested and worked for the OP - but was
not commited:

Index: i386_softraid.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/installboot/i386_softraid.c,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -p -r1.2 i386_softraid.c
--- i386_softraid.c     9 Jun 2014 13:13:48 -0000       1.2
+++ i386_softraid.c     28 Oct 2014 14:21:27 -0000
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ void  sr_install_bootldr(int, char *);
 sr_install_bootblk(int devfd, int vol, int disk)
+       struct bioc_vol bv;
        struct bioc_disk bd;
        struct disklabel dl;
        struct partition *pp;
@@ -56,6 +57,15 @@ sr_install_bootblk(int devfd, int vol, i
        bd.bd_diskid = disk;
        if (ioctl(devfd, BIOCDISK, &bd) == -1)
                err(1, "BIOCDISK");
+       /* Skip CRYPTO key disks. */
+       /* XXX - pass volume in rather than volume ID. */
+       memset(&bv, 0, sizeof(bv));
+       bv.bv_volid = vol;
+       if (ioctl(devfd, BIOCVOL, &bv) == -1)
+               err(1, "BIOCVOL");
+       if (bv.bv_level == 'C' && bd.bd_size == 0)
+               return;

        /* Check disk status. */
        if (bd.bd_status != BIOC_SDONLINE && bd.bd_status != BIOC_SDREBUILD) {


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