Thanks for the reply Peter.
May I ask why is not available to userland?
Is just a developers decision or is because no one is interested in
that functionality?


2018-04-30 3:32 GMT-03:00 Peter Hessler <>:
> On 2018 Apr 29 (Sun) at 22:07:18 -0300 (-0300), Elias M. Mariani wrote:
> :Hi,
> :I was trying to port mprime to OpenBSD.
> :The main issue is not finding any way to set affinity on cores.
> :Searching for how to do this on OpenBSD bring this result in undeadly:
> :
> :
> :Is CPU Affinity dropped out of OpenBSD for some reason?
> :
> :Elias.
> :
> CPU Affinity is available inside the kernel only, and is not exposed to
> userland.
> There are no plans to make it available to userland.
> --
> Pardon this fortune.  Database under reconstruction.

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