Sat, 21 Apr 2018 19:25:13 -0400 Rupert Gallagher <> > Nonsense.
Hi Rupert, You seem to have some problems understanding feedback, here is some help. Cut the crap already. How about dmesg first, then proper problem report? Kind regards, Anton Lazarov Comfortably Dumb (the misc song): "Relax. The list needs a dmesg first. Just the basic facts Stop whining between your blurts." OpenBSD Problem Reports: "Always provide as much information as possible. Try to pinpoint the exact problem. Give clear instructions on how to reproduce the problem. Try to describe it with as much accuracy and non-confusing terminology as possible, especially if it is not easy to reproduce. Describing problems by saying "it crashes" or "I get strange interrupt issues on this one box that I built" are of no use. Communicate with others (on the mailing lists or any other forum where knowledgeable users congregate) to confirm that the problem is new and preferably repeatable. Please try to make sure it is not a local problem created by using broken or unsupported hardware, or by using unsupported build options or software." OpenBSD Mailing Lists: "Stay on topic: Please keep the subject of the post relevant to users of OpenBSD. Include important information: Don't waste everyone's time with a hopelessly incomplete question. No one other than you has the information needed to resolve your problem, it is better to provide more information than needed than not enough detail. All questions should include at least the version of OpenBSD. Any hardware-related questions should mention the platform (i386, amd64, etc.) and provide a full dmesg(8). Hardware model numbers, unfortunately, don't indicate much about the actual content of a particular machine or accessory, and are useless to anyone who doesn't have that exact machine sitting where they can easily recognize it. The dmesg(8) output tells us exactly what is IN your machine, not what stickers are on the outside." sendbug(1) - report a bug in OpenBSD: