On 2018/04/13 07:41, Joel Wirāmu Pauling wrote:
> Not that I am shitting on the e350 platform but;
> a) Where are you finding 4 Gigabit port versions of the MB's with APU?

These use GX-412TC, a bit newer than E-350.

No stock of the 4-port ones yet, see http://pcengines.ch/newshop.php?c=2.
The 3-port ones have been around for ages.

> b) When I had one of these to test a few years ago they have some quite bad 
> Bus performance,
> which caused quite a lot of jitter/contension delay when using PCI-E 
> peripherals - would be
> interested to see some benchmarks vs the Celeron/Atom 22mm process intel 
> equivalents.

They're not meant to be super-high-performance boards, but saying that
I haven't really noticed any issues. (the only devices I'm using with
them are the onboard NICs and msata storage).

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