On 04/02/18 02:28, Mik J wrote: > @Theo: The fsck is not superfast, it takes 20s I end with that message39256 > files, 5904368 used, 10865841 free (15345 frags, 1356312 blocks, 0.1% > fragmentation)
you missed his point. If it took 20 seconds to run, you needed to run it. If you didn't need to run it, it would have said the file system was clean. Watch: # umount /var/www # time doas fsck /var/www ** /dev/sd2p (30b584a557ce1aea.p) ** File system is clean; not checking 0m00.07s real 0m00.00s user 0m00.01s system # doas mount -a That's a 200G partition, btw. I think less than a tenth of a second is quite good. Superfast, even. The message you got clearly indicates that an fsck was needed. I use this technique myself on some systems. Just run fsck, it won't slow you down unless needed. Nick.