Try pkg_add -D snap We are close to a release so it automatically refers to the release
See and check out -D snap And Where Peter N. M. Hansteen answers your question Cheers Adam On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 15:21, Tony Boston <> wrote: > Hello list, am using -current on my x230 for a while now which was working > okay since today. When I downloaded the new bsd.rd and did an upgrade, it > said that it would download from /pub/OpenBSD/6.3/amd64 which I had to change > to s/6.3/snaptshots here. The problem is, pkg now always uses "6.3" when I > try to update packages or install new ones. Is there a switch I have to set? > I didn't need to do anything like that before. Cheers -- Tony GPG-FP: > 913BBD25 8DA503C7 BAE0C0B6 8995E906 4FBAD580