On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 04:21:14PM +0100, Sylvain Maurin wrote: > I am looking for OpenBSD hardware compatible 1/2U racks boxes, redondant PSU, > with preference for another all but amd64 arch with LOM/RAC/IPMI management > hardware, in less than 6kEUR budget range.
A T5220 machine is stable for me after some patches to the cbus(4) driver family, which work around issues that look like firwmare bugs and prevented LDOM guests from working. These fixes will be in 6.3. It looks like these machines would fit your requirements? It's essentially one generation up from the T1000. The firmware versions I am using on my T5220 are: SP firmware SP firmware build number: 108523 SP firmware date: Fri Mar 11 07:19:16 PST 2016 SP filesystem version: 0.1.22 hypervisor_version = Hypervisor 1.10.7.h 2016/03/11 07:13 obp_version = OpenBoot 4.33.6.g 2016/03/11 06:05 post_version = POST 4.33.6.g 2016/03/11 06:15 status = OpenBSD running sysfw_version = Sun System Firmware 7.4.10.a 2016/03/11 07:45 There is one known outstanding issue with softraid(4) boot inside LDOM guests, again due to a firmware bug. This patch probably won't make 6.3 as it potentially affects many machines and it is too late now to get it tested properly before release: https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=152085114214080&w=2 But softraid(4) boot from physical disks works fine without this patch.