Dear Mihai, Although your tone in your email was not pleasant, I would still like to thank you for your response, because it contained helpful information, see below.
I have searched around, read, and tried to fix the problem myself for a couple of days now. I searched misc's archive on-line and did not find more useful email conversations. If you know some messages on misc that contain helpful information, could you point me to them? If you are right that humans are not able to see the difference between 60 Hz and 59.95 Hz, then something is wrong with xrandr that the actual refresh rate is quite below 60, not as much as 59.95 as reported by xrandr, because I can clearly see the flickering. I do not think that this is a minimal thing, because the flickering screen makes my head dizzy. I do not think that there is problem with the connection cable, as there was no such problem when the same external monitor is connected to a ThinkPad R52 using the same VGA cable a couple of days ago. I can check the cable connection again tomorrow. I am sceptical whether there is any other source of distortion. I don't know where to start if there should be distortion. Yours sincerely, Xianwen On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 6:22 PM, Mihai Popescu <<>> wrote: Hello, It looks like you have some problems in setting up OpenBSD. The misc@ has some messages with your problems. I think you started on the wrong foot: using OpenBSD is not like trying to replace Windows or Linux. Stop making noise of minimal things and try to read more on man pages and message lists. 1920x1200 59.95 + This, compared to 60 Hz is like 0.05 Hz difference. Seriously, can you grasp that? Can you say the time difference? Sometimes, the electronics is not able to do a perfect X frequency. Please, do not say you can see flicker at 60 Hz. No human can do that until now. If you really see some flickering, it must be from an imperfect connection cable or other source of distorsion. Have fun.