Hi Tom!

Before, relayd would just "crash" and a reload was "solving" the problem.
In this instance it's luckily just extra logging. ;)


> On 14 Mar 2018, at 16:47, Tom Smyth <tom.sm...@wirelessconnect.eu> wrote:
> Hi all
> I have had that issue  in 6.0,6.1 and 6.2 I haven't tried current yet..
> I haven't had enough time to diagnose it to provide an adequate
> bug report myself.
> just restarting relayd seems to resolve it
> Im just confiming that I have seen this issue also ...
> On 14 March 2018 at 15:27, Mischa <obs...@high5.nl> wrote:
>> Hi Claudio,
>>> On 25 Dec 2017, at 15:54, Mischa <obs...@high5.nl> wrote:
>>>> On 24 Dec 2017, at 19:07, Claudio Jeker <cje...@diehard.n-r-g.com> wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 02:04:19PM +0100, Mischa Peters wrote:
>>>>>> On 23 Dec 2017, at 13:08, Claudio Jeker <cje...@diehard.n-r-g.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 11:40:57AM +0100, Mischa wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> Since OpenBSD 6.2, just confirmed this in the latest snapshot 
>>>>>>> (GENERIC.MP#305) as well, for some reason relayd stops processing 
>>>>>>> traffic and starts flooding the log file with the following message:
>>>>>>> Dec 23 11:19:11 lb2 relayd[22515]: rsae_send_imsg: poll timeout
>>>>>>> Dec 23 11:19:12 lb2 relayd[52110]: rsae_send_imsg: poll timeout
>>>>>>> Dec 23 11:19:12 lb2 relayd[69641]: rsae_send_imsg: poll timeout
>>>>>>> Dec 23 11:19:12 lb2 relayd[22515]: rsae_send_imsg: poll timeout
>>>>>>> [snip]
>>>>>>> Dec 23 11:19:17 lb2 relayd[69641]: rsae_send_imsg: poll timeout
>>>>>>> Dec 23 11:19:18 lb2 relayd[22515]: rsae_send_imsg: poll timeout
>>>>>>> Dec 23 11:19:18 lb2 relayd[52110]: rsae_send_imsg: poll timeout
>>>>>>> Dec 23 11:19:18 lb2 relayd[69641]: rsae_send_imsg: poll timeout
>>>>>>> ...etc...
>>>>>>> Restarting the daemon "fixes" the problem.
>>>>>>> Not sure how to trouble shoot this but I am able to reproduce this 
>>>>>>> consistently by pointing SSLLabs towards relayd.
>>>>>>> Would be great to get some pointers.
>>>>>> I have seen this as well on our production systems. This is a problem in
>>>>>> the privsep part of the TLS code. I could not do more testing yet but my
>>>>>> assumption is that a new option / feature is freaking this code out.
>>>>> Anything I can do or collect to give you more information?
>>>> So, I think I found the problem. The ca process did not handle errors from
>>>> RSA_private_encrypt correctly. So once you got a bad signature in the
>>>> system chocked and stopped. This diff seems to work for me (against
>>>> SSLlabs).
>>> Awesome! Can confirm that it continues processing traffic when hitting it 
>>> with sslabs.
>>> Will also move it to a more bussier machine to see how that handles.
>>> I am seeing the following messages now:
>>> Dec 25 15:51:07 lb2 relayd[7541]: ca_dispatch_relay: error:04FFF06B:rsa 
>>> routines:CRYPTO_internal:block type is not 02
>>> Dec 25 15:51:08 lb2 relayd[27420]: ca_dispatch_relay: error:04FFF071:rsa 
>>> routines:CRYPTO_internal:null before block missing
>>> Dec 25 15:51:17 lb2 relayd[7541]: ca_dispatch_relay: error:04FFF072:rsa 
>>> routines:CRYPTO_internal:padding check failed
>>> Dec 25 15:51:33 lb2 relayd[73631]: ca_dispatch_relay: error:04FFF071:rsa 
>>> routines:CRYPTO_internal:null before block missing
>> Not sure if this is supposed to be taken care of, but I am still seeing the 
>> following messages in 6.3-beta.
>> $ uname -a
>> OpenBSD lb2l 6.3 GENERIC.MP#58 amd64
>> Mar 13 23:43:38 lb2 relayd[96581]: ca_dispatch_relay: error:04FFF06B:rsa 
>> routines:CRYPTO_internal:block type is not 02
>> Mar 13 23:43:39 lb2 relayd[96581]: ca_dispatch_relay: error:04FFF072:rsa 
>> routines:CRYPTO_internal:padding check failed
>> Mar 13 23:43:48 lb2 relayd[14775]: ca_dispatch_relay: error:04FFF06B:rsa 
>> routines:CRYPTO_internal:block type is not 02
>> Mar 13 23:44:03 lb2 relayd[96581]: ca_dispatch_relay: error:04FFF071:rsa 
>> routines:CRYPTO_internal:null before block missing
>> Any knobs that need to be turned?
>> Mischa
> -- 
> Kindest regards,
> Tom Smyth
> Mobile: +353 87 6193172
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