Hello Luca, there is no default .cwmrc in a user's home folder. The standard shortcuts are described in cwm(1).
Stefan Origineel bericht Van: Luka Kosanovic Verzonden: donderdag 8 maart 2018 05:17 Aan: misc Onderwerp: [6.2] Problem with X, .cwmrc file missing from fresh install Hi, Im a new user and I have a problem with cwm, everything works, I login and default xterm window appears but default keyboard shortcuts do not work. I tried many standard shortcuts and nothing happens, then I went on mailing lists and found somebody had the same problem a month ago so I did a little bit of digging and found out .cwmrc conf file doesnt exist. Can you please tell me why is that, shouldnt there be a default file in my home folder with a fresh install? Everything else works as expected there were no problems. Thank you