On 03/03/18 14:48, Thomas Huber wrote: > Hi, > > can someone give me a recomendations for ffs mount options or further > tuning to prevent file-system corruption on power-outage? > > I run a PC-Engines APU2c3 with -stable in a rural place where power-outage > takes place approx. once a month. Most of the time every things starts fine > when power is back, but sometimes (now the third time in one year) I end up > with an corrupted /var and I´ve to go to that place and do manual fsck_ffs > which could always repair the fs. ...
Wrong question focusing on the wrong problem. The bigger issue is, "Why is my machine so difficult to fix when things go wrong?" Answer: You got the wrong machine for the environment. I know, this week, the answer to all questions is "APU", just as some years ago it was "Soekris", regardless of the question. Just as wrong now as it was then. You need a computer with a real keyboard and a real monitor attached, so you *WHEN* things go wrong (NOT JUST POWER), you can walk the locals through fixing (or at least diagnosing) the problem. Normal people (you know, with weekends, social lives, significant others, things like that) can't handle serial consoles, nor should they be expected to. Murphy's law dictates that the harder it is to get console, the more often you need it. I know, it's not true, but I swear the ONLY times an OpenBSD won't come up after a hard power down is when the keyboard and monitor aren't attached or hard to get attached. Realistically, it's just that when you have keyboard and monitor attached, the fix is just a few minutes away, rather than hours or days, and you can walk just about anyone through it over the phone, and thus becomes a "non-event". Nick.