Hello all.

I am relatively new to openbsd. More than satisfied from the OS. From the
day I set it up to do my router and some more things it never annoyed me.
Even with some power failures etc the system kept working after booting
again just fine !

Now I need an advise from you who know it very well and especially the pf (i
am a total noob on pf). I bought a voip device today. And i want the router
no matter what the network usage is and packets to always give full priority
and the needed speed to 4 ports and a port range in 1 ip in order this
device can work properly because if I am on the phone and start a download
from another computer on the network the voip goes down ... The manual is
very big to read it and understand it in such a small amount of time I use
the system. As I told you I am a total newbie on OpenBSD.
Can you sugget to me some lines that will give full priority to these 4
ports and 1 range which go into a specific lan ip ?
Thank you so much for your time.

Best Regards
Alex Stamatis

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