No flame from here, but, you did receive a very valuable reply from Michael
Hekeler regarding your emails. The history of the reply is located here:

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 2:36 PM, leroy jordan <>

> I'm new to oBSD. However, I do wont to learn so i can contribute. The
> skills; that I have so far has came from the books that are suggested from
> the Open website. Which are useful in getting me started. but  they don't
> have all the answers and when I post o misc no one seems to reply I know
> this is not kindergarten. you're not going to hold my hand however how will
> I ever learn.
> If no one reaches out I use the emails as a teaching tool so you can bash
> me all you want but I'm not going to give up I'm all in.
>  maybe I'm just ranting.
> Thanks Leroy Jordan

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