Hey everyone, I am pretty stupid when it comes to less user friendly operating systems. I currently use slackware/windows and am thinking of using OpenBSD on either my thinkpad e420 or my libreboot t400. Are either supported(or at least possible to install on?) I’m sorry if this question has already been asked but I can’t really find any answers and the mailing list archive is barren as well. Thanks!
- Using OpenBSD on a thinkpad? crimeangothic
- Re: Using OpenBSD on a thinkpad? Felix Maschek
- Re: Using OpenBSD on a thinkpad? Jeffrey Joshua Rollin
- Re: Using OpenBSD on a thinkpad? Peter N. M. Hansteen
- Re: Using OpenBSD on a thinkpad? Patrick Harper
- Re: Using OpenBSD on a thinkpad? C.
- Re: Using OpenBSD on a thinkpad? Leighton Sheppard
- Re: Using OpenBSD on a thinkpad? frohw...@ymail.com
- Re: Using OpenBSD on a thinkpad? Leighton Sheppard
- Re: Using OpenBSD on a thinkpad? Daniel Baumgarten