On 2018-02-15, Kaya Saman <kayasa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 02/15/2018 01:34 PM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>> On 2018/02/15 13:27, Kaya Saman wrote:
>>> On 02/15/2018 12:13 PM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>>>> On 2018-02-15, Kaya Saman <kayasa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> does queueing still function with pfstat? As far as I'm aware it still
>>>>> uses the old altq method which has long been abandoned.
>>>> you're correct, pfstat hasn't been updated to follow changes in PF for
>>>> a long time. the only change in pfstat since 2007 has been adding the
>>>> -f flag to copy/clean the database.
>>> Thanks Stuart for the confirmation.
>>> Hmm looks like this might be a feature request to Daniel then..... or
>>> someone who's working on pfstat :-)
>> Nobody is visibly working on pfstat.
>> If anyone did want to work on queue monitoring I'd encourage them to
>> look at adding to snmpd instead (it will need a custom MIB). There are
>> plenty of things that can monitor SNMP stats, and as it's in base,
>> there are no real worries about ABI getting out of sync.
> Interesting!
> I think I agree with SNMP. It would be great if pf could be monitored 
> through net-snmp or the built in snmp. To be able to see what PF is 
> doing in something like Observium, Zabbix, Cacti or any other SNMP based 
> monitoring software would be a really nice asset.

It can already be monitored to some extent, base snmpd does already
support a number of things in OPENBSD-PF-MIB, but not queues yet.

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