On January 15, 2018 9:10:12 AM GMT+01:00, "Jean-Michel Pouré" <j...@poure.com> 
>Dear all,
>First, I would like to thank you all for the hard work over OpenBSD
>over the years. 
>My question is about USB teethering using an Android phone. I would
>like to mount urdnis0 and dhcp interface as soon as the phone is
>urdnis is configured as follows:
>$cat /etc/hostname.urndis0 
>hotplugd is running as follows:
>$cat /etc/hotplug/attach                                               
>case $DEVCLASS in 
>        # network devices; requires hostname.$DEVNAME 
>        sh /etc/netstart $DEVNAME 
>        ;; 
>Do you know why dhcpclient is not triggered over phone usb connection?


# chmod +x /etc/hotplug/attach

If not, try

logger "attach $*" or somesuch in the script, to see if it is run at all.


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