On 2018-01-12, dmitry.sensei <dmitry.sen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Strange message from syspatch:
> # syspatch
> ftp: SSL write error: no OCSP URLs in peer certificate
> #

Simplest workaround is to download the files yourself and use a local
url in /etc/installurl, e.g. file:///tmp/syspatch.

> what does this message mean and what to check?
> OpenBSD 6.2-stable GENERIC.MP#2 amd64
> we have a fortinet in the middle. Previously, it did not interfere with the
> utility, since I added its certificate

Most likely the fortinet doesn't include any OCSP URL in its MITM
certificate, but just to be sure, which mirror? (cat /etc/installurl),
and what's in the cert?

$ openssl s_client -connect $hostname:443 -servername $hostname

then copy the server cert and paste into "openssl x509 -text -noout".

CA/B Forum requires an OCSP URL in certs unless stapling is used. But I
don't see how a CA is going to know whether stapling is used so I would
expect certs from the cabal to always have this set so we're unlikely to
run into this with normal servers. So, although we're unlikely to bump
into problems with this code without MITM, I think libtls may be going
a little beyond usual requirements in needing this.

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