I know, I'm ashamed to say that yes, this machine has been running (behind a 
restrictive firewall) for all of these years.

I was hoping that there was some hidden switch somewhere that would turn the 
classic crypt back on. No such luck.

But thank you for the quick response. I've been using OpenBSD for a lot of 
years and really appreciate your efforts Theo, and the efforts of everyone 
associated with the project.

From: Theo de Raadt <dera...@openbsd.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2018 12:29:59 PM
To: Jeff Zimmerman
Cc: misc@openbsd.org
Subject: Re: Options for dealing with DES crypt password file

> I've got an old server (OpenBSD 4.7 old) with a mixed bag of password hashes
> in master.passwd. A majority of the passwords (hundreds) are old salted
> DES crypt format.


> Am I correct in my research that everything but Blowfish was removed from
> crypt() around OpenBSD 5.7? Are there any workarounds for me using the old
> DES password hashes, or do we need to 'passwd <user>' for hundreds of users?

There are no workarounds.  The hashes cannot be reversed to make new
passwords, and the legacy methods are removed intentionally because they
are super weak

You been running that on the internet?  the shame!

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