hello and happy new year, during the christmas holidays i have upgraded my openbsd servers to 6.2 and i have noticed that the timestamps for newsyslog 'logfile turned over' lines changed to something like ISO 8601:
$ zgrep turned /var/log/messages* messages:2017-12-31T23:00:01.258Z selene newsyslog[32157]: logfile turned over messages.0.gz:Dec 1 00:00:01 selene newsyslog[4410]: logfile turned over messages.0.gz:2017-12-31T23:00:01.258Z selene newsyslog[32157]: logfile turned over messages.1.gz:Nov 1 00:00:01 selene newsyslog[27587]: logfile turned over messages.1.gz:Dec 1 00:00:01 selene newsyslog[4410]: logfile turned over messages.2.gz:Oct 1 00:00:01 selene newsyslog[73773]: logfile turned over messages.2.gz:Nov 1 00:00:01 selene newsyslog[27587]: logfile turned over i have a monthly rotation set up in newsyslog.conf is anybody else seeing this? -f --