Quote from the FAQ.

Summary: Some ports are split into several packages. make install will
only install the main subpackage.

To list the different packages built by a port, use:

$ make show=PKGNAMES
make install will only install the main subpackage. To install them
all, use:
$ make install-all

Yes, normal. The first is labeled as summery. Later make install and
make install-all is meaned.

IMHO (it is not meaned bad) save yourself time and use diffs. Before,
work with ports, that helps to understand the context.

> Le 11/07/17 à 12:34, Rodrigo Mosconi a écrit :
> (...)
>>> "
>>> By twice: "make install will only install the main subpackage".
>>> Normal?
>> [make install] is a command that is writen in the shell.  realize
>> that is
>> in mono-spaced font, so it is something from terminal
> I'm sorry, but you didn't understand me.
> I like to point out that it is written twice, as an unfortunate
> repetition. Normal?

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