Hi... there seems to be a problem with fsck command on OpenBSD 6.2 amd64 -stable.
Into the FAQ14, "Growing disk partitions" section, it's written: "Before the partition can be mounted again, its integrity must be checked with fsck(8): # fsck sd0h " but one of our forum members obsd4a.net asks us if it's normal that it doesn't work. I read the FAQ, and attempt with my laptop. My disklabel: [code] #disklabel -E sd0 Label editor (enter '?' for help at any prompt) > p OpenBSD area: 64-976768065; size: 976768001; free: 194252529 # size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg] a: 10486016 104780352 4.2BSD 2048 16384 12958 # / b: 17100976 2097216 swap # none c: 976773168 0 unused d: 10474368 115266368 4.2BSD 2048 16384 12958 # /tmp e: 20964832 125740736 4.2BSD 2048 16384 12958 # /var f: 4194304 69128768 4.2BSD 2048 16384 12958 # /usr g: 2097152 73323072 4.2BSD 2048 16384 12958 # /usr/X11R6 h: 20971520 75420224 4.2BSD 2048 16384 12958 # /usr/local i: 4194304 96391744 4.2BSD 2048 16384 12958 # /usr/src j: 20964832 817772736 4.2BSD 2048 16384 12958 # /usr/obj k: 20964832 146705568 4.2BSD 2048 16384 12958 # /var/log l: 629137472 167670400 4.2BSD 4096 32768 26062 # /home m: 20964864 796807872 4.2BSD 2048 16384 12958 # /usr/ports > q No label changes. [/code] Ok, i attempt to check only my slide /tmp... fstype: 4.2BSD My fstab file is: $ cat /etc/fstab ef1ea0f909e0b8d8.b none swap sw ef1ea0f909e0b8d8.a / ffs rw,softdep 1 1 ef1ea0f909e0b8d8.l /home ffs rw,nodev,nosuid,softdep 1 2 ef1ea0f909e0b8d8.d /tmp ffs rw,nodev,nosuid,softdep 1 2 ef1ea0f909e0b8d8.f /usr ffs rw,nodev,softdep 1 2 ef1ea0f909e0b8d8.g /usr/X11R6 ffs rw,nodev,softdep 1 2 ef1ea0f909e0b8d8.h /usr/local ffs rw,wxallowed,nodev,softdep 1 2 ef1ea0f909e0b8d8.j /usr/obj ffs rw,nodev,nosuid,softdep 1 2 ef1ea0f909e0b8d8.m /usr/ports ffs rw,nodev,nosuid,softdep,wxallowed 1 2 ef1ea0f909e0b8d8.i /usr/src ffs rw,nodev,nosuid,softdep 1 2 ef1ea0f909e0b8d8.e /var ffs rw,nodev,nosuid,softdep 1 2 ef1ea0f909e0b8d8.k /var/log ffs rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid,softdep 1 2 The fs type /tmp seems to be good: $ awk '/\/tmp/ { print $3 }' /etc/fstab ffs ffs = 4.2BSD! OK. But if i attempt to fsck, with rights root: # fsck sd0d fsck: sd0d: unknown special file or file system. ??? If i use fsck_ffs, its OK! # fsck_ffs sd0d ** /dev/sd0d (sd0d) ** File system is clean; not checking Error into FAQ14 or fdisk's bug? -- ~ " Fully Basic System Distinguish Life! " ~ " Libre as a BSD " +=<<< ---- <me>Stephane HUC as PengouinBSD or CIOTBSD</me> <mail>b...@stephane-huc.net</mail>
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