Hello Mike
just to follow up

the issue seems to still occur with the kern.timecounter hardware
set to i8254
sysctl kern.timecounter
kern.timecounter.choice=i8254(0) acpihpet0(1000) acpitimer0(1000)

when I ping after boot there is the normal 1 Second interval
between ping result lines
however at after 25 minutes  runtime there is about 4 seconds
 of an interval between the ping result lines


Tom Smyth

On 27 October 2017 at 03:51, Tom Smyth <tom.sm...@wirelessconnect.eu> wrote:
> Hi Mike
> Just to say the gaps in ping response seems  get worse as the uptime increases
> ie
> with the uptime around 5 minutes the gaps between ping results are around 1 
> sec
> (what I consider normal)
> with the uptime around 2 hrs 45 minutes the gaps between ping results are 13 
> sec
> with the uptime 8 hrs 30 minutes  the gaps between ping results are 35 seconds
> Output of sysctl kern.timecounter below
> kern.timecounter.tick=1
> kern.timecounter.timestepwarnings=0
> kern.timecounter.hardware=acpihpet0
> kern.timecounter.choice=i8254(0) acpihpet0(1000) acpitimer0(1000)
> dummy(-1000000)
> I will change the ACPI  now to i8254  and report back later on
> Thanks
> On 26 October 2017 at 20:25, Mike Belopuhov <m...@belopuhov.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 19:05 +0100, Tom Smyth wrote:
>>> Lads,
>>> Im pleased to say that my testing of OpenBSD 6.1  and OpenBSD 6.2
>>> Release
>>> amd64 ,
>>> appear to work  a little better  in Proxmox PVE5.1 as released this week,
>>> I used iso version 5.1-722cc488-1 from Proxmox
>>> Updated on 24 October 2017
>>> The Console no longer freezes but after a few hours
>>> the console (vga console accessed via Proxmox webinterface seems
>>> to lag a little
>>> the interval between pings for instance takes up to 13 seconds, which
>>> is a bit strange...  ie it takes 13 seconds for each line of Ping result
>>> which is u
>>> Ill report more feedback later, but at least OpenBSD is not freezing
>>> as bad in this
>>> version of Proxmox PVE 5.1
>> Hi,
>> Can you please show us the output of "sysctl kern.timecounter".
>> If you're currently using an acpihpet0, can you please try
>> switching to the acpitimer0 (and if that doesn't help, i8254) via
>>  sysctl kern.timecounter.hardware=acpitimer0
>> and attempt to reproduce the 13 secod delay.
>> Regards,
>> Mike

Kindest regards,
Tom Smyth

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