On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 01:13:39PM +0200, Daniel Hartmeier wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 12:31:50PM +0200, Peter J. Philipp wrote:
> > beta# cpio -o -F spwd.db
> > /etc/spwd.db
> > cpio: Unable to open /etc/spwd.db to read: Operation not permitted
> > 
> > This is why I asked if the pledge is too tight on cpio.
> Yes, I'd say you are right.
> Theo, run
>   # find /etc | cpio -o >/dev/null
> or
>   # tar cf /dev/null /etc
> Do you really expect that to fail for /etc/spwd.db?
> But grep or hexdump (both pledged, too) work just fine on that file?
> Daniel

I redo some checks.

the "problem" is you got EPERM if you pledged for "getpw" and try to
open /etc/spwd.db, whereas if you don't have it (well "rpath" is still
necessary), it can open the file.

the semantic of failing for every call of open on /etc/spwd.db was done
at some point, but reverted later (it brokes pwd_mkdb).

I agree the current behaviour isn't really consistent (EPERM if "getpw"
and no problem without).

I think the purpose was initially to avoid a pledged root program to
open and put in memory the content of /etc/spwd.db when password access
was not strictly required.

Maybe it could be revisited.
Sebastien Marie

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