Here's a quick summary for those outside of the IX community. 

OpenBGPd used to be the spine of the IX route server community. Once IXes like 
AMS-IX and DE-CIX ran into scaling issues with the number of prefix filters, a 
ton of IXes moved with them over to BIRD. Most IXes will never see the scale 
that the previously mentioned do. This was around the 2012 time-frame. Also 
around the 2012 time-frame INEX released v3 of IXP Manager, which took off 
among IXes. It automated many aspects of the IX. 

Despite IXP Manager being fairly open and templated, INEX uses BIRD and 
therefore only produces BIRD templates. We went OpenBGPd on OpenBSD for our 
IXes due to OpenBSD's reputation for stability and security. Things have been 
manual thus far. 

We started a new IX earlier this year, which took advantage of the about to be 
released IXP Manager v4. Still only BIRD templates, however Barry O'Donovan (of 
INEX) mentioned that Peter Hessler had expressed interest in working on 
OpenBGPd templates for IXP Manager. I had reached out to him, but he's a busy 
guy and hasn't been able to follow up much. 

I figured with OpenBGPd largely resolving the prefix filter performance issues 
that getting templates for IXP Manager would allow IXes to find some parity in 
OpenBGPd with BIRD and hopefully win back market share. However, I'm not a 
programmer. I Google for what others have done and mash it together, at least 
sometimes successfully. I attempted to forge through the IXP Manager BIRD 
templates to convert them myself, but once I got to the meat and potatoes of 
the config, I was in way over my head. There's PHP logic, some template system 
logic, BIRD logic and no understanding from me. 

I came here hoping to come across someone with more time than Peter who can 
help me out with this.


Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

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