On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 7:48 AM, tec...@protonmail.com
<tec...@protonmail.com> wrote:
> I have been reading through the Book of PF (3rd edition) and other resources 
> on the web (FAQ), so far so good but I'm hitting some roadblocks.  This 
> router I have built is also acting as a client to an external VPN server, it 
> works and my client is getting a connection just fine.  The problem is that 
> whenever OpenVPN is active I cannot SSH in from a specific subnet - my pf 
> rules aren't right.  Is there some obvious issue with my rules standing out 
> to you?  I appreciate you looking, thanks.
> Topology:
> [pfSense  Router:] (wifi lan subnet / ethernet lan 
> subnet ------ Unmanaged Switch ------ [OpenBSD router : 
>] (ethernet lan subnet
> What doesn't work:
> pfSense clients on the wifi lan subnet SSH'ing in to the OpenBSD router
>     (when OpenVPN is active on the OpenBSD router)

I suspect that you have an address conflict between your WiFi network
and the networks that are reachable via OpenVPN.  I'm guessing your
VPN service is either giving you a 192.168.2.x address for your
OpenVPN client, or they are pushing a route to their own
network that takes precedence over your own.

The output of "netstat -nrf inet" (while OpenVPN is active) will help
to identify the problem.


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