
I was wondering if it is possible to use relayd as load balancer with TLS 
termination for multiple different websites residing on different server.

From reading the man page I understand that for this purpose I will need to use 
one "relay" entity per website which will then have its own "http protocol" 
entity. If this is correct, this means I will require one public IP address per 
website which seems to me a bit a waste hence my asking.

The alternative would be to have one "relay" entity but this means I can only 
have one "http protocol" entity assigned to it from my understanding. This also 
means that I would have to have to use one single SSL certificate file which 
includes every CN for each of my website. My feeling tells me that this does 
not sound good practice. Then how would relayd know that website 
www.website1.com has to be forwarded to the hosts in <table1> and that website 
www.website2.com has to be forwarded to the hosts in <table2>? Would you in the 
"http protocol" entity filter using the HTTP "Host" header (such as SNI)?

Sorry for all these questions but I am trying to find out the best way/good 
practice to setup a relayd TLS load balancer for a different 
websites/webapps/domains and can't find much documentation about this specific 

Note here that I will be using the acme-client for all of the domains.

Thanks for your input.


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