
Is that a model with both integrated Intel gpu and dedicated Radeon
gpu? Maybe look at drm(4) and try removing the radeon driver since the
intel one should work fine.

The intel drivers work great on my early-2015 MBP (i5 Broadwell), but
then again it doesn't have any dedicated graphics.


On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 6:19 PM, Ax0n <> wrote:
> I have a Mid-2015 MacBook Pro that I'm trying to get OpenBSD on. I
> installed from the latest snapshot and from -RELEASE (installXX.fs written
> to SD card). The install goes fine (using an axen(4) USB dongle for
> connectivity) but upon reboot, it gets part way through, then the screen
> goes blank with the backlight on. Although I can briefly see the axen(4)
> attach, it doesn't seem to get an IP address if I let it sit around for a
> few minutes. I can't get the dmesg, and I can't determine what the last
> message is before the screen blanks. It doesn't appear to respond to the
> keyboard.
> Has anyone gotten this working? Google is pointing me to a few posts from
> the likes of jcs@ and others about systems that are either slightly newer
> or slightly older than mine. Any suggestions on getting a good dmesg out of
> it? Devices I should consider disabling from UKC to get this thing off the
> ground?
> TIA-
> ax0n

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