
so I added the with tls keywords to the relay and my webserver gets request now but from my relayhost and this is making the way back quiet hard :(

so I added the X Headers for Forwarded-For and Forwarded-By but it still leaves the question how to tell the relayhost to just let it all out like in a normal rdr-to rule in pf? Like I said pf rule just works fine so the traffic can go thorugh all the interfaces just fine.



Am 21.09.2017 um 08:27 schrieb rosjat:
Hi there,

ok I tried the with tls option and I can al least see relayd tries to send the request to the webserver. I still cant get a proper response from the webserver. When I do da simple rdr-to rule in pf it just works.

Do I need to do some magic that I miss still?



Am 21.09.2017 um 07:19 schrieb rosjat:
Hi Ronan,

thanks for the hint I'll give it a try!



Am 20.09.2017 um 21:30 schrieb Ronan Viel:
This kind of config works perfectly on my box. I am not sure SNI has something to do here as relayd terminates the https connection, gets all the headers and reopens a new one.
I just think you forgot the "with tls"  in your forward directive below:

relay "proxyssl" {
        listen on $gateway  port https
        protocol "httpproxy"

        forward with tls to <new-webserver>  port https

Do not forget to set a "ca file" in your protocol section if you want relayd to check the certificate of your target's server (see relayd.conf man).


Markus Rosjat    fon: +49 351 8107223    mail: ros...@ghweb.de

G+H Webservice GbR Gorzolla, Herrmann
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