On 2017-07-26, Damian McGuckin <dami...@esi.com.au> wrote:
> Theo,
> On Wed, 26 Jul 2017, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>> This is due to the socket pledge code, with SOCK_DNS.  This area was
>> damaged during the transition to pledge, and hasn't been repaired.

/usr/bin/dig is certainly restricted by pledge. Compare with one of the
alternatives from packages - drill, kdig (in the knot package),
/usr/local/bin/dig (isc-bind). The latter does also use pledge but
a weaker one than /usr/bin/dig which still allows normal DNS admin

> I am not convinced it is. But I can always be proven wrong and often am.
> I think my problem is purely an issue with unbound or maybe the way I am 
> using/configuring it.

You don't show a complete unbound.conf so I can't be sure, but my first guess
would be that you have left do-not-query-localhost at the default.

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