well it seems no one has an answer to that so while you see always examples for ldapd I confused still since man smtpd.conf states you should use file:/ or db:/ to define a table and not any other otion like ldap:/ is mentioned at all.

So lets refine the question ...

Is LDAP supported in OpenSMTP at all?

And if so, where to find a piece of information how to configure it?



Am 25.07.2017 um 10:50 schrieb Markus Rosjat:
Hi there,

I was just wondering if does two work together at all? I saw examples with ldapd that ships with the OS but not with OpenLDAP. Since I try to get my user table defined, and the man only has options for db and file, whats the way to go here if there is a way at all?


Markus Rosjat    fon: +49 351 8107223    mail: ros...@ghweb.de

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