Hello Misc Group

So i have my OBSD laptop up and running since 6.0, and now updated to 6.1 since 
the release date.

Anyways, i was installing games just for fun but the i realized that i have 
limited space, if i recall it was in the /usr/local partition.
Sorry in advance, i know that oBSD is for more serious applications, but i 
wanted a few games for my daughter to play.

Since i have a 500 GB SSD and my /home partition has almost all, i guessed i 
could do something about it ( after reading the FAQ and Mike´s AbsoluteBSD)

- I booted in single user, checked the system with fsck sd0, and the used 
disklabel -E sd0,
- in order to shrink my home directory i pressed c (to change) to partition l 
(/home) and defined the new size to 500000000 blocks (which i realized later 
that was 238.4G)
- after exiting i ran fsck_ffs /dev/sd0l again to make sure it was ok, but it 
took a while and it says something like: filesystem was modified.
- rebooted.

Then i discovered that i still have to run fsck after reboot, if i do it i 
could mount my directory, but if i reboot again i should repeat over and over 

I have my backups, so i could just do a fresh install and continue messing 
around, that should be the easy way,  but i wonder if there is a chance to fix 
my mistakes.

My question is:
I know that i am missing some step to fulfill the shrinking process 
but in the FAQ there is only a way to grow fs and i didn’t find the shrinking 
fs, and in the book says that i should move the partition, well it does not say 
it but i figured out with the information in there, 
is there another way to fix my mistake so i could work with the new fs size?????
(Or there is a rule that no FFS could be shrinked, only growed)

Question 2:
You helped me and is fixed, thank you in advance, should i make another 
partition in the unused space to mount /usr/local or there is a way that if 
grows naturally? 
(because i tried in the disklabel options and it made me imply that i could not 
grow it from there since it is between partitions in the continued space.

My new configuration is something like:

Partition       size            offset          retype  fsize   bsize   cpg
a               1g              1024            4.2bsd  2048    16384   12958   
b               6.2g            2098176         swap                            
c               476.9g  0                       unused  
d               4g              14996352        4.2bsd                          
e               15.8g   23384928        4.2bsd                                  
f               2g              56521280        4.2bsd                          
g               1g              60715584        4.2bsd                          
h               10g             62812736        4.2bsd                          
i               0               64                      MSDOS  (i dont remember 
why i made this one, i was trying to install the UEFI if i recall correctly)
j               2g              8378256         4.2bsd                          
k               2g              87978560        4.2bsd                          
l               238.4g  92172864        4.2bsd                                  

Thank you all in advance

Sorry in advance if it is a silly /very newbie question


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