If the PF box was serving DHCP and the PC fetched its address that way,
it will likely still be in the lease database, /var/db/dhcpd.leases.

no DHCP Server is running.

If this is something which might come up again in the future, you can
run arpwatch (in ports), but it's no time machine.

this may come up in the future. Very very useful pkg.

I installed it.

cd /usr/ports/net/arpwatch/

make install clean

I added  pkg_scripts="arpwatch" to /etc/rc.conf.local  file to start up @

anyway, I think it runs default on my bge0 interface.

my lan is bge2

I just  hit arpwatch -i bge2 ( man arpwatch )

I want to set bge2 to default.

I cant find any .conf file.

pls guide me.

cat /etc/motd

Thank you
Indunil Jayasooriya

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