On Sat, Jan 21, 2006 at 02:32:27PM +0100, Adam PAPAI wrote:
> Hi
> I've got a problem with pkg_add. I usually install 1-2 OpenBSD system a 
> week. Some of them has got problem with pkg_add.
> For example pkg_add -vv screen-4.0.2.tgz takes 10 minutes.
> And it's abnormal. What can I do to speed up this slowliness? I guess 
> probably must be wrong with the perl.

Well, that depends on what it actually is doing during these 10 minutes,
but changing mirrors might help; as might changing hardware to anything
made in, say, the last ten years; and you'll probably want to upgrade
that 300 baud modem in the corner, too.

In short, a slightly more complete report would help, as I'm pretty much


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