On June 21, 2017 6:01:10 PM GMT+02:00, Josh Grosse <j...@jggimi.net> wrote:
>On 2017-06-21 11:36, lu jian wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have an i386 machine with two network interfaces, one of which
>> connect to the uplink ISP via pppoe, the other connects to the WAN
>> port of a wireless router to which all LAN machines and cell phones
>> connect (via wifi).
>> The problem is that this i386 machine (which I intend as a firewall)
>> can access the internet, but all LAN machines cannot.
>> Hint: my wireless router can obtain dhcp address from the i386
>> These two network interfaces on the i386 are bge0 and fxp0.
>> 1) Configuration for fxp0:
>>     # cat /etc/hostname.fxp0
>>         up
>>     # cat /etc/hostname.pppoe0
>>         inet NONE \
>>                pppoedev fxp0 authproto chap \
>>                authname 'account' authkey '123' up
>>          dest
>> !/sbin/route add default -if pppoe0
>> 2) Configuration for bge0:
>>     # cat /etc/hostname.bge0
>>        inet
>This is a subnet within RFC 1918 - a private network, not
>directly routea-able on the Internet.
>You must add Network Address Translation (NAT) to your PF configuration
>in order
>to access the Internet from that subnet.
>See the NAT section of the PF User's Guide.

That, and we didn't see the dhcpd.conf.


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