Hi Ted, Thanks for the info , Ok, at least I now know I was on the right lines. I just had a quick read through the adduser script and it seems to me that there are no routines in there to deal with upwexpire , for instance I guess it would need to take the input from adduser.conf (in my case "60d") and convert this to a Unix epoch timestamp and write this into field 6 of the password file.
wonder if this ever worked ?, Anyone ? Thanks daz On 9 June 2017 at 17:50, Ted Unangst <t...@tedunangst.com> wrote: > Darren Marshall wrote: > > Hi guys, > > > > I'm trying to create a policy whereby a user added to an OpenBSD 6.0 > system > > automatically gets their password expiry set to 60 days. > > > > I did think that this could be accomplished by adding upwexpire="60d" to > > /etc/adduser.conf but subsequent adding of a test user using adduser > > doesn't inherit this setting , field 6 of their passwd entry is set to 0. > > > > Anyone got any idea how to achieve this? > > From adduser: > > # obscure perl bug > $new_entry = "$name\:" . "$cryptpwd" . > "\:$u_id\:$g_id\:$log_cl:0:0:$fullname:$home/$name:$sh"; > > I will leave it to the ancient wizards to tell us more about the obscure > perl > bug, but it's easy to see the hardcoded 0:0 for change and expiry. >