Johan Mellberg wrote on Fri, Jun 09, 2017 at 10:06:18PM +0200: > 2017-06-09 21:39 GMT+02:00 SOUL_OF_ROOT 55 <>:
>> Can I use OpenBSD as a desktop system? > Yes. To provide an example: On my private desktops and laptops, i never ran anything else since 2001. And even at work, i only made two exceptions: >From 2003 to 2006, i had one Windows desktop at work because i had to run a specific commercial binary-only accounting software. And for a few months in 2007, i ran Debian GNU/Linux on one desktop at a new job in a software company before i defied the official company policy of "you can run whatever you want on your desktop, but it must be Linux" and installed OpenBSD instead. If anybody had ever asked, my answer would have been "I consider OpenBSD a Linux distribution: for all practical purposes, i can run the same software on it, and i can work much more efficiently with it." But nobody ever asked. For the last ten years, nothing else on the desktop, neither privately nor at work... Yours, Ingo