Because of one user's misconfiguration of Microsoft's HypeV, his virtual 
machines were not getting the results
of arp.  As a result of that configuration all the packets going to machines on 
the same subnetwork were going
to the default gateway. The default gateway was an OpenBSD 6.1 server.  OpenBSD 
 very slowly forward the
packets back out the same  if (an em0) and the packets got to where they were 
supposed to go.

I a long time ago I tried to redirect, using pf, an external ip address back to 
an internal ip address. It did not work,
and I believe I was told it could not work. So I am surprised that the above 
was working at all. I also
don't understand why it was so slow.

The existence of the problem was discovered when the transmission time were so 
slow the timeout occurred.

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