Hi, I have an odd situation !
I am seeking to add a new peer to my config, my process has been as follows : 1) ifconfig the peer 2) Check I can ping the peer (and the peer confirms they can ping me) 3) Add peer to BGPD (and allow them in on PF) bgpctl reload, and the world looks good. Peer comes up and established. *BUT* (all IPs and ASNs in what follows have been obfuscated) bgpctl sho ri nei <NEI> selected Returns zero results. Which is evidently wrong, as we're talking a direct connection to a large global player here ! bgpctl show nexthop is even more worrying, BGPD seems to think my interface is down, even though its not, and there's a live BGPD session on it ! $ bgpctl show nexthop Flags: * = nexthop valid Nexthop Route Prio Gateway Iface 4 connected em2 (DOWN, 100 Mbps) $ bgpctl sho nei BGP neighbor is, remote AS 65534 Description: MYPEER-V4 BGP version 4, remote router-id BGP state = Established, up for 00:31:42 Last read 00:00:08, holdtime 90s, keepalive interval 30s Neighbor capabilities: Multiprotocol extensions: IPv4 unicast Route Refresh 4-byte AS numbers Message statistics: Sent Received Opens 1 1 Notifications 0 0 Updates 2 132313 Keepalives 63 65 Route Refresh 0 0 Total 66 132379 Update statistics: Sent Received Updates 16 640799 Withdraws 0 2576 End-of-Rib 0 0 Local host:, Local port: 39060 Remote host:, Remote port: 179