On 05/08/17 14:13, Markus Rosjat wrote:

Am 08.05.2017 um 13:58 schrieb Kim Zeitler:
On 05/08/17 09:59, Markus Rosjat wrote:
match from group "spam-bgp" community $spamASN:666 set pftable
Try to remove this line from your /etc/bgpd.conf, it is not in the
example on http://bgp-spamd.net

Checked it gainst my working setup and it is missing there too.

Well this doesn't solve the problem still. Even if I remove the line, which should simply update a pf table. I don't get any result on the cmd with a bgpctl command.

maybe it's related to my test environment I'll try it on a machine that has direct access to the net and see if there is a change.
Could you check

bgpctl s

are there any messages received?

You can also check
bgpctl s neigh | grep state

This should give you least 2 connections claiming to be established



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