> On May 7, 2017, at 2:10 PM, Steve Shockley <steve.shock...@shockley.net> 
> wrote:
> I'm trying to get IPsec set up in transport mode using isakmpd, between 
> OpenBSD 6.0, Windows 2008R2+, and i5/OS 7.1.  I've already gotten everything 
> working using PSK, but I'd like to use certificates.
> I've created a certificate from our CA for each machine.  I've put the CA 
> root chain in /etc/isakmpd/ca, the local machine's private key in 
> private/local.key, the local machine's cert in certs/[ip addr].crt, and the 
> remote machine's cert in certs/[ip addr].crt.  The certificates have a 
> subject of CN=hostname.domain.com, and a SAN with DNS=hostname.domain.com, 
> DNS=[ip addr], IP=[ip addr].
> I'm thinking that I'm just putting the certs in the wrong place.  I've run 
> isakmpd with -D A=99, which is confusing because it appears to still be 
> looking in /etc/isakmpd/keynote despite using -K.
> Has anyone else used isakmpd with certificates signed by a non-dedicated CA, 
> or see anything I'm likely doing wrong here?  Thanks.

> Current uncommented lines in ipsec.conf:
> ike esp transport from a.b.c.d to d.b.c.a \
>        main    auth hmac-sha1          enc 3des        group modp1024 \
>        quick   auth hmac-sha1          enc 3des        group none

> ike esp transport from d.b.c.a to a.b.c.d \
>        main    auth hmac-sha1          enc 3des        group modp1024 \
>        quick   auth hmac-sha1          enc 3des        group none


Have you tried using the DNS names in your ipsec.conf, and in the filenames in 
the /etc/isakmpd/certs directory? Generally, certificates are applied against 
the DNS name for servers, rather than the IP address. Maybe a bug in isakmpd or 
one of the other hosts that doesn't handle IP addresses in the SAN field 
correctly since it's such a rare usage? 


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