Whats your hardware? Are you running openbsd 6.1?
I had alot of problems with my firefox and chrome a couple of months
ago. (OpenBSD 6.0).
I couldnt play videos on firefox. Not even youtube. I could play videos
on iridium but i had to clear browsing data etc almost every day
otherwise the browser was becoming slow. I send a couple emails to misc
and some people suggested that the problems were due to my CPU (skylake)
I uninstalled openBSD and installed it a couple of weeks ago.  Most of
the problems are solved although as far as i know OpenBSD still doesnt
support skylake.

ps. I think openbsd should try to attract desktop users. In the long
term it could lead to better hardware support.

On 04/28/17 15:18, Jyri Hovila [iki.fi] wrote:
> Dear everyone,
> I'm well aware of the bashing potential this message contains, and
> kindly ask you not to resort to the usual "offence is the best defence"
> strategy. I've been in the scene for a long time (you'll find my first
> e-mails to this list almost two decades ago) and I'm well aware of how
> operating systems and application software works. I do not need to be
> educated about the basics of proper software design, nor the fact that
> OpenBSD is developed with different goals in mind than all of the Linux
> crap out there.
> With the above disclaimer said, and still knowing the potential for a
> war, I must say this: There is not much hope for OpenBSD to ever become
> a desktop (or laptop) OS if the nightmarish sluggishness of ALL modern
> web browsers can not be solved. Even I, who can easily take long delays
> etc. as the cost for having a much more secure system, am about to fry
> my poor brain because even the few sites I need to use are just totally
> unavailable if I browse them from OpenBSD.
> Everyday problems include (but are not limited to): Waiting tens of
> seconds to several minutes for a script intensive site like Facebook
> (yes, I actually need to use it) or LinkedIn to load. Having the whole
> system slow down to a crawl while the browser is trying to do it's
> stuff. Having the browser crash (without any error messages) several
> times a day -- after I've first waited 30-60 seconds for it to become
> responsive.
> Now I've spent lots and lots of time getting familiar with OpenBSD in
> server environments, so I'm pretty well up to date with what I can do
> to optimize the OS. I've been following the discussions that were
> around six months ago or so, when there was a patch that relieved the
> situation so that at least it became possible to finally watch YouTube
> videos -- quite an achievement, considering that was in 2016 when
> "everyone else" have had their videos running smoothly for at least a
> decade.
> I am not blaming anyone here -- I rarely do. I'm not asking anyone to
> just fix this issue for me. In fact, I don't even care if it gets fixed
> or not; I can always do my browsing on some other platform, even if it
> feels insanely stupid. What I am saying is what I already said: Unless
> issues like this get solved, OpenBSD will remain pretty much as it is,
> which is properly coded, very stable and secure, but (when it comes to
> a "normal" user or even an experienced sysadmin) utterly useless when
> it comes to doing the stuff everyone does these days -- browsing the
> net. Yes, I know many of you are browsing the net with OpenBSD. So am
> I. Just to make sure everyone understands what I mean: it is not that
> it would be impossible, it is just insanely irritating and slow.
> Now, can anyone provide a relatively clear description of what it is
> that make the same browsers (Firefox, Seamonkey, Chrome) that work
> fine in Linux, Windows and OS X so ridiculously slow when they are
> being run on OpenBSD?
> Peace, please.
> - Jyri

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