On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 11:15:57AM -0700, Mike Larkin wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 06:47:17PM +0200, Karl Pettersson wrote:
> > Arch Linux works well as a vmd guest. Some notes about my experiences 
> > installing the system:
> > 
> > * The Arch installation can be started from the serial console, see:
> >   https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Working_with_the_serial_console
> >   #Installing_Arch_Linux_using_the_serial_console
> >   However, the installation still tends to be unstable, due to unreliable
> >   downloads (which has been discussed earlier). Until this is fixed, the 
> >   installation can be run in QEMU, or in a guest under Linux/KVM (as is
> >   currently required by distributions with graphical install).
> > 
> > * Syslinux has to be used as bootloader, and serial console should be
> >   enabled: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Syslinux#Serial_console
> >   Moreover, the generated config has to be edited to point to the
> >   correct root device, and if Ext4 is used as root file system, it must
> >   not be 64bit (which is enabled by default when the file system is
> >   created): http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php?title=Filesystem
> > 
> Thanks for trying this out and reporting Karl.
> The notes about serial console are welcome. Do note that we are working toward
> an sgabios + seabios payload so that you will be able to install from media
> that uses the regular VGA console (sgabios redirects VGA text mode I/O to
> the serial console). There are a couple of developers working on this, 
> hopefully
> it will make it to the tree soon.

vmd -current is ready to handle sgabios with a different BIOS image.

sthen@ has made an updated sysutils/firmware/vmm port that includes
sgabios, but it is not available yet, you can give it quick try by
replacing the /etc/firmware/vmm-bios file with the following image
that I created manually:


Notes and config (to build your own):


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