Hi there,

so if you have spamd in place in greylisting mode and you have customers that work with people who use Office365 as a service you will get calls that emails are delayed for a freaking long time and if you check the ip range that outlook.com could send from you get scared.

So  what are the strategies out there to handle this kind of situation?
Do you let them all pass and trust that microsoft is protecting there service enough to stop spamming from hijacked machines that use office365 ?

Do you gradually grand access to a new ip rang if you see its tring to reach your server and let the rest be?

Just curious here I had a case where you could dig the mx for a domain and it was a outlook.com server. It was whitelisted in my system but it seems MS is using this mx to retrieve mail and still send mails even from that domain with other mx in diffrent ranges. So you see 30 grey entries from diffent mx that trying to reach the customers mailbox.

I'm a little reluctant to whitelist a shitload of ips just to get rid of a 1 or 2 day delay in delivering the message and yes this was the case


Markus Rosjat    fon: +49 351 8107223    mail: ros...@ghweb.de

G+H Webservice GbR Gorzolla, Herrmann
Königsbrücker Str. 70, 01099 Dresden

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