Hi, I managed to create proper packages using "pkg_create" for two versions of "mypkg". Now I'm trying to handle upgrades and signatures.
Although I'm setting the "FULLPKGPATH" options, upgrades are not handled cleanly: ---- sudo pkg_add -D unsigned -Uvv -i mypkg-3.99.2228-obsd6.tgz Update candidates: quirks-2.241 -> quirks-2.241 quirks-2.241 signed on 2016-07-26T16:56:10Z No change in quirks-2.241 parsing mypkg-3.99.2228-obsd6 Skipping mypkg-3.0.1865-obsd6 (update candidate for mypkg-3.0.1865-obsd6) mypkg-3.0.1865-obsd6 pkgpaths: mypkg-3.0.1865-obsd6 pkgpaths: Skipping mypkg-3.99.2228-obsd6 (update candidate for mypkg-3.0.1865-obsd6) mypkg-3.0.1865-obsd6 pkgpaths: mypkg-3.99.2228-obsd6 pkgpaths: No need to update mypkg-3.0.1865-obsd6 [mypkg-3.0.1865-obsd6]mypkg-3.99.2228-obsd6: internal conflict between mypkg-3.99.2228-obsd6 and mypkg-3.0.1865-obsd6 ---- How does "pkg_add" handle updates? The creation of the package is made using the following command: ---- pkg_create -A $arch \ -d $pkg_desc \ -f $pkg_list \ -B $base \ -p $prefix \ -D COMMENT="$comment" -D MAINTAINER="$maintainer" -D FULLPKGPATH=$prefix \ "nxlog-$version-$osrel.tgz" ---- Note that prefix is "/opt/mypkg" in my case. I thought that setting " FULLPKGPATH=" pkg_add will handle updates based on version numbers alone. I don't use any "conflict" keywords. I'm trying to use signify to distribute packages as safely as possible. First off, thanks to Ted for signify, it's very easy to work with. Apart from creating and signings SHA files I'd like to know why OpenBSD complains with "Couldn't check signature" since the pub key is under "/etc/signify/" ? ---- $ pkg_sign -s signify -s mypkg-signify.key -o signed/ -S packages/ $ pkg_info -d signed/mypkg-3.99.2228-obsd6.tgz Package signed by untrusted party mypkg-signify.key Fatal error: Couldn't check signature for mypkg-3.99.2228-obsd6.tgz at /usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/PkgInfo.pm line 397. $ ls -l /etc/signify/mypkg-signify.key.pub -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 109 Mar 17 12:52 /etc/signify/mypkg-signify.key.pub ---- Same errors come up with -C and -S of course. Thanks! -- Panagiotis (atmosx) Atmatzidis email: a...@convalesco.org URL: http://www.convalesco.org GnuPG ID: 0x1A7BFEC5 gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 1A7BFEC5 "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” - Leo Tolstoy